miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

Dancer in the dark

A good film i really enjoyed watching it a long time ago was a bjork’s film, yes, the icelandic singer and musician who played the main role in the movie.
I think i watched this movie the first time on televisión, a cable channel , about 5 years ago when i had a classmate who was a fan of this singer and he recommend me this movie.
The movie is called “Dancer in the dark” and is a drama movie, i think most of the best movies are from this cattegory, the movie is also is a musical.
The director,Lars Von Trier, tells the story of a woman that is not having a good situation in her life cause she is poor and she is getting blind because of some hereditary sickness. The story is about Selma , the main character, who is saving some Money to help her son who has the same sickness than she, and she wants to make him a surgery. The interesting thing is how Selma can face all the bad things that happens to her through the music, she can imagine some rythms in everything she hears, and makes some music of it. Ths film was set in the sixties in United Status, being the characters inmigrants from Czechoslovakia.
The end of the film can be really dramatic but i really liked this movie because of the story, the way the director shows the situation, and how everything ends up. I’d really reccomend this film but not in a happy day.

domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008

Visiting Isla Damas

I remember one special place i visited in Chile about three years ago, this place was Isla Damas at the north part of the country, in the fourth region of Coquimbo at the shore, a place where if you don’t have a car you have to take a van that takes you there (about one and a half hour from La Serena terminal). Specifically I didn’t stay there, we just stayed in the nearest part of the island, in Punta de Choros, I went with my cousin who is like my sister cause we are really close, now she is really far in Mexico.
We went for camping so we stayed in that place about 4 days in summer time, February I think, and we visited isla damas paying the tour to go to it, we really loved that place, it was a beautiful landscape, white sand, deep turquoise water, a sunny day, nice weather and not much people on the beach, the only one problem was the water was really really cold! If it weren’t for that it would have been perfect!. It is a small island that you can walk in just minutes. Also interesting was the tour that we took to get there, you can see penguins, dolphins, different kind of birds and if you have a lucky day whales! I really recommend to visit Isla damas, you won’r regret doing it

sábado, 25 de octubre de 2008

the gates, central park

When I had to choose a work of art it was really hard for me, I like art, painting, photography, and of course architecture, but choosing just one work of art is really difficult. I remember one special artists I knew about 2 years ago, when in one of our studio assignments we had to design a house for a famous artist. One of my classmate artist was this one: Christo (bulgharian), who also works with his wife Jeanne Claude ( french). I mean they are special because their art is totally different than regular art like painting, sculpture , design or architecture, they just make installations into urban places.
The work of art I’ve chosen is The Gates , central park. An intervention performed in Manhattan, New York, which consists in 7503 metal orange gates aligned through the Central Park with orange fabric like flags moving with the wind. I really think this work is really interesting but not just this one, there are more amazing installations like wrapping buildings or covering islands. I love how they mix artificial and natural objetcs into one thing, enhancing the beauty of the places or the objects, in “the gates” specially how they work in an urban landscape like new york and put their art between circulation areas, making people feel part of it

Bono to become New York Times columnist

In the music section of the news website http://www.guardian.co.uk Sean Michaels talks us briefly about how musician become columnist in newspapers specially the case of Bono in the New York Times, who will write about poverty, Africa and Frank Sinatra between different topics in 10 articles.
Michaels talks about musicians like liberal persons, being some kind of threat to the conservative editorial line focused on their columnists, who, as Sean said lies in print. This is the case for columnists like Condoleezza Rice, who is a bad opened writer in the New York Times.
However this contribution to the New York Times is caused by an old personal interest of Andrew Rosenthal, editorial page editor, which is really involved in music, by playing guitar. This is the connection between the editor and Bono, and that was the main factor that made possible this contribution of Bono into the New York Times.
Besides Sean Michaels is expecting for new collaborations as columnist in the pages of the paper like Bruce Springsteen , an American songwriter, singer and guitarist, and Brian May, an English musician from the Queen band playing the rol of lead guitarist and also know for being an astrophysicist.